YS&S Pulwama organizes sports events amid inclement weather


Rallies also held to spread anti-messages

PULWAMA: The Youth Services and Sports (YS&S) department zone Pampore hosted Taekwondo Competition of Boys in all age groups during an inter-zonal district level competition.

The competition witnessed huge participation of players from all eight zones of the district with zeal and zest.

The event was inaugurated by the Zonal Physical Education Officer (ZPEO) in presence of senior officials of the department.

ZPEO Pampore speaking at the inaugural ceremony impressed upon the officials and players to help each other to create Sports culture in the district. On the occasion, ‘World No Tobacco Pledge’ was also administered.

Similarly zone Shadimarg organised an anti tobacco rally in which hundreds of students from different schools participated.

The rally was flagged-off by principal Kings Kingdom School Rahmoo and another rally was held at Mitrigam which passed through the main road and other streets of the vicinity.

The participants held placards in their hands to spread the anti tobacco messages.