World Autism Day observed at Ramban


RAMBAN: World Autism Day was observed in Ramban, as the Department of Social Welfare in collaboration with the Department of Health & Family Welfare organised an awareness programme today. Deputy Commissioner, Mussarat Islam oversaw the event.

The programme aimed to educate ASHA and Anganwadi Workers, as well as sectoral officers and locals, about Autism, a genetic and congenital disease. The speakers emphasised the importance of integrating Autism patients into society with respect.

District Social Welfare Officer, Rahul Gupta presided over the event, which was attended by a number of prominent individuals including various district officers.

Resource Persons- Dr Reyaz Ahmed, Physiotherapist, Dr Tajamul and Clinical Psychologist, Tasmeen Nabi, spoke about the different types of Autism, its symptoms, behavioural problems, and ways to manage the condition through medical attention, early intervention, psychological treatment and physiotherapy.

District Social Welfare Officer informed the audience about the Nirmaya Health Insurance Scheme, which provides a cover of Rs 1 lakh to individuals with Autism, in addition to other facilities and support from the department. The department of AYUSH distributed free immuno-boosting medicines to participants.