Women`s Polytechnic students complete Training course at DIPR


SRINAGAR: A batch of 7 students of Office Management and Computer Application course, from Women`s Polytechnic, Bemina, Srinagar, under the supervision of Project Coordinator Raziya Majeed, today, completed 15 days on the job training courseĀ  at the Divisional Office of Information Department Kashmir.

The training programme commenced from July 7, 2023 and during this period the students were imparted training about the functioning of different wings of the department including Divisional Office, PR Section, Field Publicity Wing and Cultural Unit.

During the training, the students were acquainted with the official procedure, file handling, file maintenance, receipt, dispatch, note writing, handling of different computer software applications, being used in the department, grading of documents, e.mail, budgeting, accounting, biometric attendance, EPM, job of PA and personal section etc. 

They were also given a demonstration of the working of technical Units of the department like photo Unit and Field Publicity Wing, as to how the officials of these sections are carrying out their duties while on job outside the office.

The batch of students, who participated in the training course, are Ifra Jan, Raqibah Masood, Insha Afzal, Daraksha Altaf, Shaziya Yaqoob, Bushra Aslam and Aabro Yousuf. All the students showed keen interest in learning new skills of office procedure and practices.