US puts sanctions on 19 Indian entities over Russia’s war


NEW DELHI: The US has sanctioned nearly 400 entities and individuals, including 19 from India, for what it has called “enabling Russia’s prosecution of its illegal war”.

Those on the list from India, including two individuals, are private entities and have nothing to do with the government.

The US Department of State gave a breakdown, saying that it was imposing sanctions on over 120 individuals and entities. Concurrently, the US Department of Treasury designated over 270 individuals and entities. The Indian entities and individuals figure on these two lists.

The Department of State said its aim was to “disrupt sanctions evasion and target entities in several countries, including China, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Turkiye and the UAE”. It wanted to disrupt networks and channels through which Russia procured technology and equipment.

The focus was on suppliers of microelectronics and computer numerical control items that were on the common high priority list banned for exports to Russia.

“Entities based in China, India, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Turkiye and the UAE continue to sell these items and other important dual-use goods to Russia, including critical components that Russia relies on for its weapons systems to wage war against Ukraine,” the Department of State said.

The list of the Department of State features the name of Vivek Kumar Mishra and Sudhir Kumar, both Indians and co-directors and shareholders in Ascend Aviation that reportedly sent over 700 shipments to Russia-based companies between March 2023 and March 2024. These shipments included US-origin aircraft components. Mask Trans supplied items such as aviation components worth over $3,00,000. TSMD Global has been accused of shipping items worth at least $4,30,000 to Russia-based companies, while Futrevo reportedly supplied electronic components worth over $1.4 million.

The Department of Treasury, in its list of 275 individuals and entities, named India-based Abhar Technologies and Services Private Limited for shipping high-priority dual-use technology, including electronic integrated circuits.

Denvas Services Private Limited was also named for being used by Russia to procure US-origin microelectronics. Emsystech featured on the list for sending over 800 shipments, including items such as electronic integrated circuits and tantalum capacitors.

Galaxy Bearings Ltd and Orbit Fintrade LLP are said to have exported dozens of high-priority dual-use equipment, including roller bearings and roller assemblies.

Innovio Ventures reportedly sent over 200 shipments, including items such as electronic integrated circuits and multilayer ceramic capacitors. KDG Engineering Private Ltd is said to have sent over 1,500 shipments of high-priority dual-use technology, including machines for transmission of data, electrical apparatus for switching and coaxial connectors to Russia.

Khushbu Honing Private Limited sent at least five shipments of advanced machine tools and accessories. Lokesh Machines Limited advertised its exports to Russia.

Pointer Electronics sent over 100 shipments to Russia-based end users since 2023. RRG Engineering Technologies Private Ltd sent over 100 shipments of microelectronics, while Sharpline Automation Private Limited sent high-priority dual-use machinery and related goods.

Shaurya Aeronautics Private Ltd sent shipments of radar apparatus, radio navigational aid apparatus, radio remote control apparatus and electrical apparatus to Russia. Shreegee Impex Private Ltd openly advertised its provision of goods to Russian manufacturers.