Time, Distance, and Conspiracies: Can a Father-Children Bond Be Broken?


By: Syed Majid Gilani

A father’s love is one of the purest and most selfless forms of devotion. It is not just a relationship—it is a foundation upon which a child’s identity, security, and future are built. This bond is deeply rooted in nature, an unshakable force that neither time, distance, nor hardships can truly sever. Yet, in life’s complexities, there are those who seek to break this sacred relationship. Some act out of selfishness, others out of hatred, but one truth remains constant—falsehood may prevail for a time, but in the end, truth always triumphs.

There are times when misunderstandings, circumstances, or people with malicious intentions try to create rifts between a father and his children. Lies, false narratives, and conspiracies may cause temporary separation, but deception is like a fragile wall—sooner or later, it crumbles under the weight of reality. A bond built on sincerity and love cannot be destroyed by manipulation. Just as a river, when obstructed, carves a new path to keep flowing, a father’s unwavering devotion eventually finds its way back into his children’s hearts—provided he remains loyal, committed, and truthful, dedicating his life to their well-being.

History bears witness to those who, driven by selfishness or personal grudges, seek to turn children against their noble fathers. Some individuals dedicate themselves to filling young hearts with resentment. Worst among them are the mothers who, out of enmity toward their husbands, use their own children as weapons to settle personal scores. Instead of fostering love and unity, they manipulate young minds, feeding them hatred and turning them away from their father’s pure and unconditional love.

These mothers, blinded by bitterness, fabricate false stories, spread baseless accusations, and weave a web of lies to sever the natural bond between father and children. They do not just harm the father—they make their own children suffer, depriving them of the warmth, guidance, and security that only a devoted father can provide. They believe they are punishing their husbands, but in reality, they live in a fool’s paradise, unaware that they are actually troubling their own children, robbing them of the very love that could nurture their growth and happiness.

For a time, they may succeed. The innocent minds of children, trusting and vulnerable, may accept the falsehoods instilled in them. They may grow distant, indifferent, or even hostile toward their loving father. But time is a great revealer. No lie can endure forever.

As children mature, their understanding deepens. Slowly, they begin to see through the deception. The hatred that was planted in them starts to fade as they question the narratives they once believed. And when the moment of realization comes, their hearts change. They see the father who never wavered, the man who loved them unconditionally, who remained steadfast despite their coldness, who prayed for them even when they rejected him. They come to understand that the resentment they carried was never truly theirs—it was forced upon them by a mother who sought to manipulate their emotions for her own selfish gain.

When this realization dawns, the tables turn. The same mother who once controlled their emotions loses her grip. The love she selfishly sought to manipulate now slips from her grasp. The children, heartbroken by the betrayal, turn away from the one who deceived them. And thus, the mother who spent years trying to erase the father’s presence from their lives is left abandoned, suffering the consequences of her own actions.

The law of nature is absolute—those who plant seeds of hatred ultimately lose. The mothers who dedicate themselves to breaking the father-children bond may enjoy temporary success, but in the long run, they face Allah’s wrath. Their deceit does not go unpunished. Justice is never denied. The children they manipulated eventually leave them, and they find themselves alone—stripped of love, stripped of trust, and stripped of the very relationships they sought to control.

These mothers, who knowingly wronged a sincere father, meet their downfall. The wrath of Allah is upon those who destroy sacred relationships. They may have triumphed in lies for a time, but in the end, they stand alone—abandoned by the very children they once influenced. They lose not only their children but also their place in their hearts. As their deceit crumbles, they fade away, forgotten, and ultimately vanish into obscurity, bearing the curse of their own actions.

But for the father who remains steadfast, truthful, and committed to his children, the outcome is different. No matter how strong the deception, no matter how long the separation, if he has dedicated his life to his children with sincerity, his love will never be in vain. Time dismantles falsehood, and one day, clarity replaces confusion. The truth always triumphs.

A true father does not seek revenge. He does not harbor hatred. Even when his children misunderstand him, he does not waver. He waits, prays, and believes in the power of truth. And when that day of realization finally arrives, when his children return, he welcomes them with open arms—because his love was never conditional, never selfish, and never-ending.

Those who attempt to destroy the father-children bond must remember: time is always on the side of truth. Every deception is exposed, every injustice meets its end, and ultimately, truth reigns supreme.

Just as a river, no matter how many obstacles it faces, always finds its way back to its true course, the bond of blood also reclaims its rightful place. No matter how much time, distance, or hardship intervenes, the connection between a devoted father and his children remains unbreakable. It is one of life’s strongest and most lasting realities—a reality that no force can ever truly erase.

(Syed Majid Gilani is a writer and can be contacted at [email protected])