Surplus quantity of firewood placed at Sale Depots across Valley


Distribution quantity augmented to fetch demand of firewood for current year

SRINAGAR: To satiate the demand for firewood, the Forest Department has placed surplus quantities of firewood at all sale depots across the Valley.

This was stated by the Chief Conservator of Forests, Kashmir in a meeting chaired by Divisional Commissioner (Div Com) Kashmir, Vijay Kumar Bidhuri.

The Div Com on Monday convened an urgent meeting to assess the availability of firewood in Valley to fetch the demand.

Addressing the meeting, Div Com enjoined on Additional Deputy Commissioners & District Officers of Forest Department to promptly address the demand for firewood in view of the current winter season.

He directed all ADCs to designate nodal officers for effective coordination vis-a-vis meeting the firewood needs within their respective districts.

It was given-out that 95% of the demand for firewood is raised by the masjid committees from Srinagar and urban areas of other districts besides Gurdwara Committees.

CCF informed that the department has raised the target of firewood consumption to 80 thousand quintals for this year from 60 thousand quintals in previous year.

He said that the department has already deposited 63 thousand quintals of firewood in sale depots till date, of which 44 thousand quintals have been already distributed. The sale depots have also been increased from thirteen during last year to thirty for the current year.

In response to the concern raised by some MLAs regarding deficiency of firewood in their constituencies, Div Com urged concerned officers to resolve the issue without delay.

However, it was given that a surplus quantity of firewood has already been allocated to sale depots of those specific areas.