SP College organises intramural tournament in various sports activities


SRINAGAR: The Physical Education Department of Sri Pratap (SP) College today organized intramural tournament in various Sports activities at college campus here.

The tournament was inaugurated by Principal, SP College, Prof. Gulam Jeelani Qurashi.

These sports activities will run throughout the year as per the college Sports calendar.

Addressing the gathering after inaugurating the tournament, the Principal urged upon the students to actively participate in sports activities as it helps individual much more than in the physical aspects alone. He added that it also builds character, teaches and develops strategic and analytical thinking, leadership skills, goal setting, and risk taking in an individual.

Sports Secretary CUS, Dr Khurshid Ahmad Parray delivered vote of thanks during the event, in which he stressed upon the students to actively take part and utilize sports activities and sports infrastructure present in the college.

The event was also attended by Prof. Shahid Ahmad Wani, Dr. Javid Hassan, Prof. Magray Aijaz, Prof Iliyas Lone, other staff of college and large number of students.