SMC conducts Cleanliness Drive in Ward Nos 11 & 17 of Srinagar’s Zone North


SRINAGAR: In a proactive move towards ensuring clean Srinagar City, the Srinagar Municipal Corporation today executed a highly effective cleanliness drive in Zone North Ward No. 11 and 17.

Led by SMC officials, including the Chief Sanitation Officer and Zonal Sanitation Officer, the initiative focused on raising cleanliness standards and promoting hygiene at Sikh Bagh.

The drive concentrated on improving the overall cleanliness and visual aesthetics of the area by implementing efficient waste collection and disposal practices, as well as clearing unwanted vegetation and grass.

By engaging the community in these activities, the SMC aims to foster a sense of civic responsibility among residents and advocate for sustainable and hygienic practices. These endeavors are aimed at cultivating a cleaner and healthier environment for all residents.