SKIMS Bags Inaugural International Best Paper Award For Research Paper on Influenza Vaccine Efficacy


Srinagar: Hyder Mir, Scientist ‘C’ while working with Research Project “ Global Influenza Hospital Surveillance Network” at SKIMS bagged the 2021 first MENA-ISN Research Award for his paper entitled “Poor Vaccine Effectiveness against Influenza B-Related Severe Acute Respiratory Infection in a Temperate North Indian State (2019-2020): A Call for further Data for Possible Vaccines with Closer Match”.  Hyder Mir will present his work at MENA-ISN Influenza Day 2022 on October 7th– 8th 2022 in ISTANBUL, TURKEY and will receive a cash prize of 2.5 lacs.   He  is the first international Scientist to receive this award.

The work was conducted in Influenza Lab, SKIMS under the supervision of Dr. Parvaiz A. Koul and funded by GIHSN, Spain.

Director SKIMS congratulated Mr. Hyder and said, such acknowledgement at International level are a shot in the arm for researchers at SKIMS.

Research is going to the top priority in SKIMS, he said