Sheetal, Shahid review modalities for redressal of tribal employees service related matters, grievances


JAMMU: Commissioner Secretary, Social Welfare, Sheetal Nanda along with Secretary, Tribal Affairs, Dr Shahid Iqbal Choudhary convened the first meeting of Internal Grievance Committee to look into the issues of employment and service related grievances of Scheduled Tribe employees across various departments. 

The Internal Grievance Committee headed by Commissioner-Secretary, Social Welfare has the Secretary, Tribal Affairs as Member-Secretary/ Convener of the committee and the Director Tribal Affairs, Additional Secretary Monitoring in GAD and Secretary GB Advisory Board as members.

Special Secretary, Tribal Affairs, Harun Malik, Director, Tribal Affairs Mushir Mirza, Secretary, Advisory Board, Mukhtar Ahmed Choudhary, Addl Secretary, General Administration Department, Addl Secretary IT Deptt, and officers from Public Grievances Deptt attended the meeting.

The committee discussed the modalities for handling tribal employees grievances related to non-maintenance of reservation roster, non-filling of reserved vacancies, discrimination in promotion/ seniority/MACP/ACP, Non-appointment on compassionate grounds, discrimination in transfer/posting, termination from services, denial of pensioner benefits etc as per the mandate notified by the General Administration department and accordingly taking necessary action for immediate redressal of grievances.

Commissioner Secretary, Social Welfare, Sheetal Nanda, asked for putting in place a transparent mechanism for handling the issues and grievances of the ST employees by the committee which is being served by the Tribal Affairs Department.

She discussed about a common platform for all complaints and inter-departmental coordination on the service matters. It was decided that the monthly meeting of the committee to examine all the issues will be held on 26th of every month and a sub-committee will scrutinise all the representations for the consideration of IGC.

Secretary, Tribal Affairs, Dr Shahid Choudhary discussed the modalities for online portal for receipt of complaints, communication with departmental nodal officers for time-bound response, action in fake-ST certificate cases, maintenance of roaster for promotion and filling vacancies and other grievances of tribal employees. Portal will be developed by Tribal Research Institute in coordination with IT deptt for ease of management of grievances.

A team of tribal affairs has been nominated for processing of all such grievances and taking up with concerned HRM branch, HoDs and other relevant authorities.