Services to Govt employees to become hassle free, GAD announces Administrative Management System


SRINAGAR: Prime Minister’s flagship programme ‘Digital India’, the Government of Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir in the recent past have implemented various IT-enabled solutions to create a vibrant digital ecosystem for delivering essential services for common people and employees.

In the last one year, the General Administration Department (GAD) has successfully implemented online services namely e-Office, online Property Return System (PRS), Vigilance Clearance System (VCS), Employees Monitoring Portal (EPM) and Employees Verification System (EVS).

For facilitation of Government employees and to provide a generic, product based solution for better management of service matters through electronic service record, which includes e-Service Book, Personnel Information System and others, transfers, promotions, vigilance status, PRS etc, the GAD has initiated the process of implementation of ‘Administrative Management System’ (AMS) for all government employees.

A meeting in this regard was held under the chairmanship of Principal Secretary GAD, Manoj Kumar Dwivedi with experts of Directorate of Information Technology, University of Kashmir.

During the meeting, it was observed that ‘Administrative Management System’ is ‘one- stop solution’ for addressing issues relating to service records of all Government employees and shall be implemented in a phased manner by all departments.  Initially, the online module shall be implemented by the General Administration Department and Health and Medical Education Department.

However, in order to implement the system, it is essential to have a clean and error free digital library of all the service records, which can be uploaded on the online AMS portal.

To begin with, Drawing & Disbursing Officers (DDOs) have to authenticate the appointment orders of the Government employees, followed by scanning of their service books, so as to ensure that the transition towards electronic service records  carried out in transparent manner.

In this regard the circular instructions has been issued by General Administration Department vide No. 27-JK(GAD) of 2022 dated: 04.08.2022 and the exercise is to be completed by the DDOs within 30 days.