Quick disposal of old cases must to reinforce the confidence of litigants: Justice Tashi Rabstan


JAMMU: Justice Tashi Rabstan, Judge, High Court of J&K and Ladakh (Administrative Judge for district Jammu), Chairman, Building and Infrastructure Committee, High Court of J&K and Ladakh & Executive Chairman, J&K Legal Services Authority held an interactive meeting with Judicial Officers of district Jammu here this afternoon to take stock of pending cases and discuss steps being taken to lessen the backlog of cases.

Justice Tashi was received by Bala Jyoti, Special Judge, Anti-Corruption (CBI Cases) Jammu, Tahir Khurshid Raina, Special Judge, Anit Corruption, Jammu and V. S Bhou, 1st Addl. District & Sessions Judge, Jammu along with other Judicial officers posted at the Headquarter.

During interaction, Justice Tashi impressed upon all the Judicial Officers present in the meeting to prioritize listing of old cases and take them up for hearing on day to day basis to ensure their quick disposal in order to reinforce the confidence of public in general and litigants in particular in the judicial system.

Justice Tashi instructed the judges of district judiciary, Jammu to employ all possible measures under law in ensuring execution of processes of the court as well as seek explanation, whenever and wherever necessary, from the executing agency for non-compliance.

During the meeting, Justice Tashi urged the presiding officers of Family Court, Motor Accident Tribunal and all the Magistrates dealing with the Cheque Bounce cases under Negotiable Instrument Act to refer maximum number of cases to the Lok Adalats for listing them before the upcoming 4thNational Lok Adalat scheduled for December 09, 2023 for their amicable, quick and cost-effective settlement and disposal.

Speaking on the occasion, Justice Tashi highlighted the importance of digital technology in bringing about the transparency in working of the courts and impressed upon the Judges to upload daily orders enabling the litigants, Advocates and all other stakeholders to keep them abreast of the proceedings conducted in their respective cases. Adding further, Justice Tashi said that this would not only bring transparency in the working of the judicial system but would also reinforce the confidence of a litigant in our judicial system. Justice Tashi patiently listened to the issues raised by the judicial officers in the meeting and assured them of their early resolution. Justice Tashi also inspected the ongoing work of POCSO Court in the District Court Complex, Jammu.

Later in the afternoon, Justice Tashi visited the under-construction Court-cum residential Complex at Katrawhere he was accorded a ceremonial guard of honour.

Justice Tashi issued on-spot instructions to the executing agency to expedite the construction work and complete the same at the earliest as the funds for the same have already been transferred to them.

Those present on the occasion include Sonia Gupta, Pr. District & Sessions Judge Reasi, Amit Kumar Gupta, Member Secretary, J&K Legal Services Authority, Addl. SP Katra, Sunil Kumar, Sub-Judge Katra, Lakshay Badyal, Munsiff Katra, Bar President along with the Members of Bar Association Katra and Deputy as well as Assistant LADC Reasi.