New Delhi: A day after the EC announced the schedule for Assembly elections in five states, BSP chief Mayawati on Sunday threw down the gauntlet to her adversaries, mainly in Punjab and Uttar Pradesh.
In a statement in Lucknow, she expressed confidence that the SAD-BSP alliance led by Sukbir Singh Badal would emerge victorious. She said Sukbir had the “blessings” of his father Parkash Singh Badal. “The formation of the SAD-BSP government will be the fulfilment of Kanshi Ram’s dream,” Mayawati said. The late Dalit leader was a native of Punjab and founder member of the BSP.
With regard to Uttar Pradesh, Mayawati claimed all poll surveys projecting the contest between the BJP and SP by keeping the BSP out of the equation would fall flat as was the case in 2007.
“People of UP, including Dalits, minorities and weaker sections, will vote for BSP and make it victorious,” she said.