Progress of 21st Livestock Census in J&K reviewed


Strategy for Pastoralist enumeration detailed

SRINAGAR: Director of Animal Husbandry Statistics Division within the Department of Animal Husbandry Dairying & Fisheries of the Government of India, V.P. Singh along with Director Animal Husbandry, Kashmir, Dr. Parvinder Singh convened a meeting to assess and monitor the progress of the 21st Livestock Census in Jammu & Kashmir.

This meeting provided a detailed examination of existing challenges and obstacles.

During this session, district nodal officers were given strict directives to ensure that data is uploaded in real-time while addressing any outstanding backlogs comprehensively.

The discussion also focused on the livestock census concerning the pastoralist community. It was reported that data pertaining to this community has already been compiled, and the Government of India is formulating policies aimed at enhancing welfare and healthcare for their livestock. Furthermore, migratory livestock will be prioritized in upcoming policies from the Central Government.

It is important to note that a livestock census is conducted every five years across the entire country, overseen by the Government of India. Currently, the 21st Livestock Census is underway.

The meeting included participation from Deputy Director Central, Deputy Director of Planning, all Chief Animal Husbandry Officers and District Nodal Officers.