NHM organizes training programme for MLHPs & Staff Nurses for providing expanded services at Ayushman Bharat- Health & Wellness Centers


SRINAGAR: National Health Mission, Jammu and Kashmir, today organised district level training of trainers for Staff Nurses and Mid Level Health Providers (MLHPs), for expanded range of services at Health and Wellness Centres.

The training was inaugurated by Mission Director, National Health Mission, J&K, Yasin M Choudhary at Regional Institute of Health and Family Welfare (RIHFW), Dhobhiwan Srinagar. 

In his inaugural address Mission Director informed that to provide expanded range of services at all the Health & Wellness Centres (HWCs), the NHM, J&K has started this training programme for district level trainers to provide expanded services that include Ear, Nose, & Throat, Elderly & Palliative Care. The training of trainers is being conducted for MLHPs and Staff Nurses at HWCs, for three days from 30th June to 2nd July at RIHFW, Dhobiwan. 

Ayushman Bharat- Health And Wellness Centres(HWC) have been established in the UT of J&K by transforming the existing sub-centres and primary health centres to provide comprehensive primary health care (CPHC) services near to the community. Similarly, training of trainers will be conducted for Medical Officers of HWCs from 4th to 5th July at RIHW, Dhobiwan.

The training sessions on ENT included basic understanding of ear, nose throat, Common ailments of ENT, Skills needed for ENT services, Health promotion and prevention of ENT problems etc. The training session on Elderly and Palliative sessions included healthy ageing, common ailments in elderly, basic nursing skills, Health Promotion, Self-care and Counselling in Elderly, Home care, Management of pain, Nursing in palliative care, care of dying etc.

The Health and Wellness Centres (HWC) would be providing expanded range of services, which include Care in pregnancy and child-birth, Neonatal and infant health care services, Childhood and adolescent health care services, Family planning, Contraceptive services and other Reproductive Health Care services, Management of Communicable diseases including National Health Programmes, Management of Common Communicable Diseases and Outpatient care for acute simple illnesses and minor ailments, Screening, Prevention, Control and Management of Non-Communicable diseases, Care for Common Ophthalmic and ENT problems, Basic Oral health care, Elderly and Palliative health care services, Emergency Medical Services, Screening and Basic management of Mental Health ailments.