New Brexit rules in, UK fears food disruptions


London: New post-Brexit custom rules for goods arriving from the European Union to Britain are taking effect on Saturday, and a leading food industry body has warned that the new border controls could lead to food shortages.

Beginning today, importers must make a full customs declaration on goods entering the UK from the EU or other countries. Businesses will no longer be allowed to delay completing full import customs declarations for up to 175 days — a measure that was introduced to cope with the disruption of Brexit.

Six-month delay due to pandemic

  • The UK imports five times the amount of food it exports to the EU
  • It left the EU’s single market and customs union on December 31, 2020
  • The rules take effect six months after they were originally scheduled due to the impact of the pandemic

The British Frozen Food Federation said this week the new restrictions on animal and plant products from the EU could result in major delays at ports in the New Year because some in the supply chain — especially logistics companies on the EU side — may not be prepared for the changes.

“We are concerned that not enough planning has been done to ensure the new requirements are understood by everyone in the food supply chain,” said Richard Harrow, the federation’s chief executive. “We remain concerned that January could be a fraught month for our members,” he said.

The new measures require businesses to complete the correct paperwork at least four hours before goods can arrive at UK borders, or they risk being turned back. Animal and plant-based products must also have statements of origin certificates. While drivers must declare their goods and origin certificates, checks are expected to be minimal until the rules ramp up beginning in July 2022, when much stricter checks are expected to come into force.