MSK Kulgam, DLSA-K organize daylong Legal Awareness programme on Women rights


KULGAM: The Mahila Shakti Kendra (MSK) in collaboration with District Legal Services Authority Kulgam today organized a daylong legal awareness programme to sensitize women about their legal rights at Rest house, here.

 On the occasion, resource persons enlightened the participants about various rights of women. Speakers also highlighted the role of women in the present scenario in making the nation prosperous.

Participants were also apprised about the toll free helpline number 181 which can be utilized to seek help during any exigency.  

The programme was attended by DSWO, Women Welfare Officer MSK; Representatives from DLSA, Project Coordinator Women’s Helpline Faculty and students of Govt Degree college Kulgam, Kilam besides Officers from OSC, ICPS and line departments.