Mirwaiz expresses deep concern over growing trend of online gambling in Kashmir


Urges Govt to impose ban on online gambling apps

SRINAGAR: Mirwaiz Umar farooq addressing the faithful at Jama Masjid srinagar during Friday  sermon expressed deep concern over the growing trend of online gambling, disguised as various sports including cricket, football etc that has taken hold of the youth.

Mirwaiz said it’s tragic enough to be  grappling with the crisis of drug addiction, and now another menace has taken root in our society. Giving details he said that hundreds of young people, driven by the allure of making quick money, have fallen victim to these gambling apps, (dream11dotcom , my11circledot com, etc ) forcing many  families to sell their homes and assets to cover the massive debts incurred by their addicted members mostly young men.

Mirwaiz cited distressing examples of some youth who have lost lakhs of rupees, casting heavy financial burdens on their families and destroying them emotionally. Mirwaz stressed that in Islam, gambling in every form is strictly prohibited as it breeds greed and avarice and ruins lives, razing our spiritual and moral foundation,.Reminding the congregation, he emphasised that the social cost of addiction of every kind leads to the fast erosion of the social fabric of society and ultimately its end.

Elaborating , Mirwaiz pointed out that the high rate of youth unemployment 40 percent in our state also adds  to the problem, pushing many to risky short cuts like online gambling out of compulsion. “Our young people need meaningful opportunities, not harmful distractions eventually drain their finances and ruin their futures,’ he said.

Mirwaiz urged the government to take decisive action, noting that many states in India like Telangana, Assam, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, Sikkim, and Nagaland have already banned these gambling apps. Mirwaiz said that We call on the Jammu and Kashmir government to follow and immediately impose a ban on these apps to protect our youth and society from further harm,’ he added.

Mirwaiz said that while the community’s ulemas and imams will keep addressing critical issue across mosques, it is the parents who need to be invested and stay vigilant.

Mirwaiz added that “We also need to  be mindful of our technological habits, as hours lost to social media and screen addiction are hours taken from productive, meaningful lives.’ He called upon all community members to recognize these dangers and work collectively to safeguard our society and the future of our youth.