Mass awareness drive, enrolment of CSS receive good public response in Kupwara


KUPWARA: The District Administration Kupwara today organized Joint Umbrella Camps (JUCs) in 73 panchayats of all 24 blocks of Kupwara district. The objective of organizing these camps is to ensure 100 percent coverage and saturation under key performance indicators for financial inclusion in a mission mode.

The functionaries of Health, ICDS, Agriculture, Banking, RDD and NRLM attended the camps and provided awareness about centrally sponsored beneficiary oriented schemes including Old Age pension, Golden Health Card, Minority Scholarship, Aadhaar seeding, KCC, Soil Health Cards, MUDRA Loan, PMSBY, PMJJBY, APY and other indicators under Aspirational District Programme.

The District Development Commissioner (DDC) Kupwara, Khalid Jahangir while complimenting the field functionaries for upholding the directions in letter and spirit said that it was the innovative concept for transforming the idea behind these centrally sponsored schemes to involve large scale public participation in these programmes.

He said this was the phase-I initiative, next schedule shall be circulated in coming days to cover other panchayats in a phased manner, he added. He urged upon the people to participate in these camps aimed at providing doorstep services for enrolment of beneficiaries under different centrally sponsored schemes, besides, mass awareness.

The DDC said that the District Administration has already envisaged a mechanism of proper monitoring of these panchayat level camps through block level and district level teams.

Additional District Development Commissioner (ADDC) Kupwara, Altaf Ahmad Khan participated in various panchayat camps including Panchayat Hatmulla, Nagri, Kandi-A and Kandi-B. Assistant Commissioner Development, Mehraj-u-din Shah participated in Panchayat camps in Kalaroose and Sogam blocks. Other monitoring teams participated in panchayat camps in their respective jurisdictions.

The panchayats where Joint Umbrella Camps were held include Keran, Mundian, Mundian A, Pathroo, Machil A, Machil B Pushwari, Dudi, Aloosa, Batpora A, Batpora B, Magam A, Magam B, Magam C, M. Chogal-I, M.Chogal-II, Gund Chogal, Wahipora, Khanoo-Babagund, Guloora, Jaggerpora, Kandi-A, Kandi-B, Ahgam, Behnipora, Bowan Watsar, Vilgam A, Vilgam B, Kukrosa, Drugmulla A, Redbugh A, Redbugh B, Wavoora A, Wavoora B, Cheerkote, Tarathpora A, Tarathpora B, Sharkoot, Parada, Amrohi, Seemari, Rashanpora A, Rashanpora B, Meelyal, Audoora, Batagund, Bandy, Ashpora, Deedarpora, Gund Kamal, Negri Malpora, Negri Malpora A, Hatmulla, Rawathpora, Budnamal payeen, Manchater, Chandigam A, Chandigam B, Doorusa Wani, Allachizab, Awoora A, Awoora B, Dogerpora, Dogerpora A, Kalaroos, Nachyian, Hajinard, Baghballa, Manzhar, Gutlipora, Gundisana, Poshpora A, Kunan and Gugloosa B.