Labour Commissioner urges left out eligible e-Shram registrants to come forward for receiving Ration Cards on priority


SRINAGAR: Labour Commissioner, S. Charandeep Singh urged all those e-Shram registrants who do not have a Ration Card to come forward and get in touch with the nearest Tehsil Supply Offices (TSO), or the office of Assistant Director, Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs or the office of Assistant Labour Commissioners in their respective districts so that ration Cards as per eligibility in their favour are issued on priority.

In this regard, the Labour Commissioner also chaired a meeting with Assistant Labour Commissioners and directed them to coordinate with the Assistant Director, Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs of their respective districts so that the left out registered e-shram workers can avail the benefit of ration card.

In compliance to the Order dated 20-04-2023 & 03.10.2023 of the Supreme Court passed in SWM(C) No.06 of 2020 titled “In Re-Problems and Miseries of Migrant Labourers”, the Labour Department and the Department of Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs have over the past several months launched extensive outreach efforts across J&K to ensure issuance of ration cards in favor of left out e-Shram registrants, however, some of the e-Shram registrants have not yet approached the respective offices / authorities in the districts for ration cards.

Special Camps have also been organized for providing Ration Cards to the left-out e-Shram registrants or their inclusion in Ration Cards, as the case may be.

The left out e-Shram registrants have been requested to bring the requisite documents along with them for on the spot issuance of ration cards in their favor by the Department of Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs.