Kulgam realizing blue revolution through record production of 205 MTs of fish in  2021-22


 KULGAM: District Kulgam is bestowed with vast pristine water resources which offer ample scope for development of cold water Fisheries particularly Trout.

The Department of Fisheries has infused cohesive and elaborated steps to tap the aqua potential of district and ensured proper implementation of Centrally Sponsored schemes on ground for creating employment avenues to double the income of fish farmers with focus on enhancing fish production of the District through intervention of new technology in the field of aquaculture under various schemes. 

 Assistant Director Fisheries Kulgam, Mushtaq Ahmad Shah said that fish production of 205 MTs has been recorded during the year 2021-22, which includes 80 MTs of trout.

He added that the department has established 98 fish farming units in the private sector besides one trout feed mill and one hatchery (Trout Seed Production Unit) in the district.

During the current FY 2022-23, 15 Trout Units have been sanctioned under PMMSY Scheme for which DLIC has been conducted and beneficiaries have been selected.

We have a Trout Hatchery Unit in the District where quality trout seed is being produced and supplied to private trout fish famers of the District. 

“A private Trout Feed Mill has been established in the private sector under PMMSY Scheme and the Trout Feed Mill is having a production of 2 tons/day, capable of producing cooked extruded floating feed which is easily digestible with minimal wastage”, added AD fisheries.

 He also said that this Feed Mill will cater the demand of trout feed in the District and will also supply to adjacent Districts of Shopian, Anantnag and Pulwama. 

 AD added that the feed Mill will also reduce the transportation charges incurred by the fish farmers who have to transport Trout Feed from Trout Feed Mill Mansbal.

 “As the district has witnessed a boom in the tourism sector, Aharbal Trout Stream in District Kulgam has become world famous for its prized fish catch”.

The Department is regularly stocking the stream with Rainbow Trout Fish seed to sustain its fish biomass so that anglers can fetch a good catch. The Angling permits are issued through online mode both to local anglers and foreigners, he said.

With regard to the welfare schemes, there are 419 fishers in the District registered with the Department who exploit the natural fisheries resources to earn their livelihood. 

 He also added that an assistance of Rs. 1.30 lac is being provided to the houseless fishers for construction of low cost houses and so far 232 houses have been constructed in the District under the scheme.