KU VC inaugurates week-long workshop for Urdu teachers


Srinagar: A week-long training workshop for Urdu teachers started at the University of Kashmir on Monday.

The inaugural session was presided over by Vice-Chancellor Prof Nilofer Khan who stressed on regular capacity building of teachers in view of ongoing implementation of new National Education Policy-2020.

The workshop has been organised in collaboration with National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language (NCPUL) New Delhi with an objective of reviewing the current scenario of the Urdu language and literature at the Primary, Middle and Higher Secondary Level, in Government as well as private institutions, and to make the pedagogy of Urdu teaching and learning effective by inculcating new methods  introduced by the National Educational Policy (2020) as well as making use of audio-visual techniques and interactive methods etc.

NCPUL aims at continuing this process of making Urdu language more effective by conducting such workshops so that the Urdu teaching faculty may benefit and improvise their techniques with the changing requirements.

Director, Directorate of Distance Education, Prof. Tariq Chishti, Director NCPUL New Delhi Prof Sheikh Akeel, Director School Education Kashmir Tassaduk Mir were guests of honour, while various Deans of Schools, Heads of the Departments, experts and students were present on the occasion.

The convener and organiser of the Workshop Dr Altaf Anjum hosted the event by emphasising upon reviewing the basics of Urdu speaking, its legacy, its pronunciation and its problems.

The first session began in the conference hall of the Directorate  of Distance Education where the first session was chaired by Prof Salah-ud-din Tak, HoD Arabic Department and the expert talk was presented on the topic ‘Teaching of Urdu Nazam’ by Dr Mushtaq Hyder, Department of Urdu KU.The second session was chaired by Dr Faiz Qazi Aabadi and expert talk was given by Dr Mohi-ud-din Zor, Assistant Professor Government Degree College, Nawakadal. The third session for the day was convened by Mutahir Hanief, Resource Person DIET, Srinagar.