KU VC chairs high-level meeting on examination reforms


Srinagar: Vice-Chancellor University of Kashmir Prof Nilofer Khan on Friday chaired a high-level meeting to review the status of various UG and PG examinations and the new initiatives underway by the varsity’s Examination Wing to boost delivery of various student-centric services.

In her introductory remarks, Prof Nilofer said the Examination Wing is the face of the University and this calls for making technological interventions to ease students vis-à-vis delivery of various services related to different Examination-related domains.

“Besides career of our students, our institutional reputation and perception are largely linked to the efficiency of our Examination Wing. We need to make policy interventions as well as introduce newer technologies in critical domains related to examination processes, including paper-setting, evaluation, conduct etc. so that all concerned stakeholders, especially the all-important student community, do not feel any inconvenience in any manner,” the Vice-Chancellor said.

On the occasion, Controller of Examinations Dr Majid Zaman made a detailed power-point presentation on the status of various UG and PG examinations as well as new proposals in the pipeline to not only bring the examination calendar back on track post-Covid disruptions but also to further boost the efficiency of the examination system.

Dr Majid apprised the Vice-Chancellor that among newly-introduced initiatives, the Office of Controller of Examinations has started dispatching transcripts and degree certificates to respective colleges for easy collection by the students soon after the results are declared in order to lessen the inflow of students to the Examination Wing for this purpose. He also said that advance date-sheets, formulated at the start of each semester, are being issued to keep the students updated with their examination dates much in advance.

“This will not only keep students engrossed in studies throughout their semesters, but also ensure timely declaration of results and award of degrees,” he said.

The Vice-Chancellor appreciated the new initiatives taken, as also those in the pipeline, which aim at bringing a perceptible change in examination domains in near future.

Offering her complete support to student-centric endeavors proposed by the Controller of Examinations, including setting up a state-of-the-art Single-Window System for the student community visiting the Examination Wing to avail different services, Prof Nilofer said the University will also expedite its switch over to DigiLocker for better service delivery to the students.

The meeting was attended by top varsity administrators including Dean Academic Affairs Prof Farooq Masoodi, Dean Research Prof Irshad Nawchoo, Dean Colleges Prof Manzoor Ahmad, Registrar Dr Nisar A Mir, Director Admissions Prof Farooq A Mir, Joint Registrars/Joint Controllers of Examination including Dr Ashfaq A Zarri, Dr Altaf A Bhat, Dr Feroz A Gurkhoo, Special Secretary to VC Dr Tanveer A Shah and Director Finance Zafirah Bashir.