Justice Tashi Rabstan visits District Court Complex Moominabad


SRINAGAR: Justice Tashi Rabstan, Judge of High Court of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh, who is also the Administrative Judge for the district Srinagar, visited the District Court Complex Moominabad Srinagar and reviewed functioning there.

Justice Tashi Rabstan had a detailed interaction with the Judicial officers posted at Srinagar in the Conference Hall of District Court Srinagar.

Jawad Ahmad, Principal District and Sessions Judge, Srinagar, apprised Justice Tashi Rabstan of working of courts with relevant statistics and also highlighted the various issues faced by the Judicial officers.

Justice Tashi Rabstan addressed the Judges and took stock of functioning of the courts.

After giving a patient hearing to the Judges, he assured them of resolving the issues within a short span of time. He sensitized the Judges about their role in the society and urged upon them to give their best to the society and at the same time uphold the dignity and honour of the institution.

He emphasised upon the need of speedy disposal of cases with focus on and old cases. He also engaged in discussions with the judicial officers to understand their challenges and offered his valuable insights and guidance. He emphasized the commitment of judiciary of UT of J & K in general and District Srinagar in particular in providing fair and efficient Justice to the people.

Earlier, Justice Tashi Rabstan was warmly received by the Principal District Judge Srinagar, Jawad Ahmad.

On the occasion, Justice Tashi Rabstan was welcomed with ceremonial guard of honour from the contingent of J and K Police.

Principal District and Sessions Judge Srinagar extended a warm welcome to Justice Tashi Rabstan and expressed his gratitude for taking out the time to visit the District Court Complex Moominabad Srinagar.  He also acknowledged the invaluable guidance and support being provided by Justice Tashi Rabstan in furthering the cause of Justice in Srinagar.