J&K Bank collaborates with SKIMS and GMC Jammu to provide critical Apheresis Kits to poor patients under CSR


SRINAGAR: Under its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)  Program, J&K Bank has presented an aggregate amount of Rs 15.70 Lacs to two premier healthcare institutions of Jammu and Kashmir for procurement of Platelet/Therapeutic Plasma Apheresis kits for treatment of poor patients suffering from cancer and severe blood dysfunctional diseases.

The Bank’s Zonal Head Srinagar, Syed Shafat Hussain handed over the cheque of Rs 7.85 Lacs to Director SKIMS, Prof Parvez Koul in presence of Head Pediatric Oncology Department Dr Javed Rasool and Head BU SKIMS, Syed Irfan besides other bank officers, while as the Zonal Head Jammu, Shareesh Sharma presented the cheque of same amount to Principal Government Medical College (GMC) Jammu, Dr Shashi Sudhan Sharma in presence of Administrator GMC Ashwani Khajuria and Head BU GMC Chandrika Parihar and other officials.

Speaking on the occasion, Syed Shafat Hussain said, “Healthcare is critical for every society and with rise in the number of patients suffering from terminal ailments in J&K, it is important for corporates like us to step in and do their bit. As a socially responsible institution, it is a very humble contribution from J&K Bank to SKIMS Srinagar for the patients who cannot afford these kits critical for their treatment.”

“Besides empowering the people financially, J&K Bank has been contributing to the society through its CSR activities meant for helping the economically weaker sections especially in health sector. We believe our little support would help many patients and alleviate the hardships of their families”, said Zonal Head Jammu after handing over the cheque to Principal GMC Jammu. 

Both Director SKIMS Srinagar and Principal GMC Jammu thanked the Bank for the contribution and expressed hope that amid rising number of patients suffering from such dangerous diseases and dysfunctionalities, the Bank would increase its CSR spend towards healthcare.

Pertinently, a large number of the patients hailing from weaker socio-economic background visit SKIMS Hospital for treatment in pediatric oncology every year who find it difficult to afford expensive Apheresis kits containing Platelet/Therapeutic Plasma. Likewise GMC Jammu caters to a huge number of patients with a large chunk of oncology and thalassemia patients etc. from economically weaker sections requiring Apheresis Kits as first-line treatment.