Jal Shakti Department Ramban conducts awareness program 


RAMBAN: The Jal Shakti Department conducted a hand-holding, awareness and orientation programme for Implementation Support Agencies (ISA) representatives, Anganwadi and Asha workers and PRIs under the Jal Jeevan Mission. The aim was to ensure effective implementation of the scheme in the district.

Deputy Commissioner, Mussarat Islam was the chief guest, while Executive Engineer Sudhir Kumar, IEC Expert Sajal Srivastav and other department officials were present. 

The IEC Expert educated attendees through demonstrations and a PowerPoint presentation. Anganwadi and Asha workers were informed about rainwater harvesting, artificial recharge, water quality, waterborne diseases, conservation, cleaning, source augmentation and sustainability.

The Deputy Commissioner urged officers to follow guidelines and maintain transparency and accountability. He encouraged coordinated efforts to achieve desired results and meet completion timelines. He informed that 88 JJM schemes will cover 33,700 household tap connections across the district and urged participants to conserve water under the ‘Catch the Rain’ mission.

The Deputy Commissioner emphasised encouraging local communities to take over rural water supply systems for operation and maintenance to help make the “Har Ghar Nal Se Jal” mission successful. He highlighted the importance of Pani Samitis in providing adequate water supply and maintaining cleanliness around water bodies.