Iranian Military unveils underground tactical airbase


TEHRAN: The Iranian military yesterday (Feb 7) unveiled an underground tactical airbase dubbed Oqab-44 (Eagle 44), reported China News Agency Xinhua.

During the unveiling ceremony, the airbase was visited by Iranian Armed Forces Chiefs of Staff chairman Mohammad Baqeri and Army Commander Abdolrahim Mousavi, the official news agency IRNA reported.

Located beneath the mountains, the airbase has the capability for the take-off and landing of different fighter jets, bombers and unmanned aerial vehicles of the Iranian Air Force, the report added.

It is also home to different places such as an alert station, hangers for fighter jets and centres for aircraft repair and maintenance, and has navigation and airport equipment as well as fuel tanks, it said.

Oqab-44 is one of the several underground tactical air bases of the Iranian Air Force across the country.