‘International Biodiversity Day’ celebrated at Anantnag


ANANTNAG: In compliance to the directions of JK Legal Services Authority, DLSA Anantnag under the guidance of Chairman DLSA Anantnag, Jaffer Hussain Beigh, organized two programmes on “International Biodiversity Day” in coordination with Government Degree College Women Anantnag and Government High School Poshkeeri block Mattan.

The Ist programme  held at Government Degree College for Women Anantnag was attended by Secretary DLSA Anantnag along with LADC and PLVs 

Idrees Magray, Assistant LADC Anantnag deliberated on Biological Diversity Act 2002 and important Acts passed related to Environment and Bio-diversity.

Furthermore, Prof. Sabzar Ahmad Reshi from Women’s Degree College Anantnag also gave the presentation on the topic.

The 2nd programme was held at Government High School Poshkeeri block Mattan. Secretary DLSA Anantnag, Tabassum Qadir Parray, spoke on the occasion and highlighted the efficacy of the event.

Programme was also attended by concerned school faculty and students and PLVs of DLSA Anantnag.

The main intent of the celebration of International Day of Biodiversity is to increase the understanding and awareness of biodiversity issues and to halt or reverse these issues. 

This year the theme of programme is “From Agreement to Action: Build Back Diversity”. It is vital to transform people’s role and actions, and relationship with biodiversity.

At the conclusion of the programme, certificates were distributed among the students.