IMHANS imparts capacity enhancing training to SUKOON Counsellors


SRINAGAR: To enhance the capacity of psychologists and counselors of SUKOON, the Divisional Administration Kashmir started training module on essentials of online and telephonic counseling as well as didactic training for psychologists and counselors at Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (IMHANS), Srinagar.

The objective of the training programme is to make SUKOON versatile and compatible to address issues of substance abusers and mental health issues of the general public.

Pertinently SUKOON Helpline line 1800-180-7202 has proved very fruitful in addressing the substance induced mental disorder.

SUKOON works as an interface between the substance users and experts who pull drug abuse victims out of the menace through counseling and medicine.

Incharge Divisional Control Room Kashmir and SUKOON Mental Helpline, Tahir Magrey while speaking about the training programme said that the aim of the training programme is to equip the counselors with the communication skills incongruous with the needs of psychological counseling.

He added that SUKOON is a platform where people, particularly youth can give vent to their anguish in a conducive atmosphere besides  guidance regarding detoxifying themselves in case involved in substance abuse.

Magray said, Divisional Administration is committed to purge the society from the evil of drug and substance abuse and concerted efforts are being made by administration to eradicate drug abuse and to remove stigma associated with post rehabilitation.