Haj 2022 – Training imparted to more than 650 pilgrims at Anantnag


ANANTNAG: The concluding session of training/orientation sessions for Haj 2022 pilgrims concluded in Anantnag today with more than 650 Hajj pilgrims imparted training in three different sessions at GCW Women Anantnag.

During the sessions, the pilgrims were informed about the various do’s and don’ts to be followed during the pilgrimage. Guidelines issued in this regard were shared with the pilgrims in a detailed manner. 

Scholars delivered lectures on Manasik-e-Haj and Ziyarath-e-Madina Munawwarah, as well as important logistic arrangements and prepared pilgrims for the Haj journey. The helpline numbers as well as contact details of accompanying Khadim – ul –Hujaj were shared with the pilgrims.

The pilgrims were advised to strictly adhere to COVID Appropriate Behaviour and follow all guidelines in letter and spirit.