Gurez visit of ACRIP, SKUAST Kashmir concludes


BANDIPORA: All India Coordinated Research Project (ACRIP) on Seed, Srinagar Centre, in coordination with Mountain Agriculture Research and Extension Station-Izmarg, Gurez today concluded Trainings cum Quality seed distribution programme in blocks of Gurez and Tulial.

The first Programme was organized in village Churwan of block Gurez where 20 Qtls of SKUAST-K released variety of Wheat (Shalimar Wheat-2) was distributed amongst the farmers and a training programme regarding the scientific techniques involved in production of wheat crop was organized. 

During the second leg, seed distribution cum training programme was organized in village Saradaab of block Tulial  and 20 quintals of wheat seed was also distributed there and a good number of farmers participated in both the programmes. 

On both the occasions, Prof M Ashraf Bhat, Nodal Officer Seeds laid emphasis on the perfect usage of production technology of all the crops and other SKUAST Kashmir generated technologies (including growing of high yielding varieties) for increasing maximum food production from limited and shrinking resources and to combat various problems arising due to climate change. 

Prof Bhat appealed farming community to work in close coordination with Research Station, Izmarg and KVK-Gurez for effective implementation of various schemes and generated technologies. He briefed about technological intervention of AICRP Seed in improving the livelihood security of Tribal Farmers of Kashmir.  

Dr Naseer A Dar, Prof/ Chief Scientist from Directorate of Research emphasized upon farmers to formulate detailed information about local potato and rajmash to enable Directorate of Research to register local land races with protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Rights Act, New Delhi to exploring submission of requisite documents for Genome Savour Award.     

He also stressed for creation of Farmers Producer Organisations (FPOs) for effective redressal of many complex problems of the region. 

Dr Bilal Ahmad Bhat, Head, MAR &ES, Gurez impressed upon farmers to cultivate crops on scientific grounds to get maximum profit from limited land. He apprised the visiting team about various endemic problems faced by the farming communities of Gurez region. He also presented a detailed framework of Seed Production programme taken in coordination with AICRP on Seed.

On the occasions, Dr Gowhar Ali presented the details of the AICRP Seed and Tribal Seed Plan Schemes which are in operation in Tribal areas of Kashmir from last four years. The local representatives of both the blocks revealed a great satisfaction over the distribution of quality seed of various crops by AICRP Seed under TSP scheme.

Earlier during the years 2020-21 and 2021-22, the same Wheat seed distribution cum training programmes were organized in villages of Buglinder, Gund Gul Sheikh, Malagam, Hussangam, Baduaab of block Tulial and village Koragbal of block Baghtour .

A Seed village of quality Wheat seed was established in Panchayat halqa Buglinder-A comprising of villages Buglinder and Gund Gul Sheikh through AICRP (Seed) and MAR&ES-Gurez, and the farmers from adjoining villages are now getting quality seed from the said cluster produced by some selected progressive farmers.