Gram Swaraj Month: Bal Sabhas organised across Baramulla


BARAMULLA: As part of ongoing Gram Swaraj Month being observed throughout Jammu and Kashmir, special Bal Sabhas were today organised across district Baramulla.

Bal Sabhas are organised on the lines of Gram Sabhas in which children in the age group of 5-18 years participate in order to get familiarised about their social requirements. These children are being mobilized and channelized by the Panchayat members spearheaded by the Rural Development Department.

Informing about the event, Assistant Commissioner Development Baramulla Yar Ali Khan said that Bal Sabha is the apex body of children’s group in a village. He added that its members are between the ages of 5-18 years who assemble at least once in a month besides being called for other meetings in special cases.

ACD said that Bal Panchayats, with the total number of members as 10 percent of the total children of the village, are mobilized so that children are educated about their childhood social requirements.

He further said that Rural Development Department Baramulla is organising a range of activities during this month aimed to ameliorate the socio-economic conditions of the people besides informing them about their rights and duties.