Govt Dental College releases tentative merit list of House Surgeons


SRINAGAR: The Government Dental College & Hospital today informed that the tentative merit  list of House Surgeon has been compiled and is now available on  official website

The notification issued today reads, “It is for information of all the candidates, who have applied for engagement as House Surgeon and appeared in written examination held on 08-04-2023 in response to this office Advertisement Notice issued under endorsement No. GDC/Estt/Notification/HJ/File-2023/407-421 dated 18-01-2023, that their tentative merit  has been formulated and compiled”. 

It said that the tentative list has been compiled by the Committees constituted for the purpose strictly in accordance with the laid down norms issued by the Administrative Department (Health & Medical Education Deptt.) from time to time, in this behalf and the same is available on official website of this College viz.

 The candidates can file objections (if any), found by them with regard to their tentative merit upto 13-04-2023 till 03:00 PM, beyond which, no claim what-so-ever shall be entertained by this Institution and the list shall be considered as final for further course of action under rules, it mentions.