Fleet of 25 trucks carrying 1500 cattle along with 30 Nomadic families flagged-off from Anantnag


ANANTNAG: In order to avoid traffic jamming on national highways due to the annual movements of the cattle during the Autumn season from Kashmir to Jammu Division, Tribal Affairs Department in collaboration with Sheep Husbandry Department & JKSRTC began transportation of Tribal people along with their cattle to their destinations in Jammu division.

In this regard, 25 trucks carrying 1500 cattle along with 30 families were flagged-off today from Sarnal Anantnag by ADC Anantnag, Gulzar Ahmad Bhat.

Speaking on the occasion, the ADC said that the novel initiative has been taken to ensure that no animal flocks move on national highways during the autumn season, adding that the process shall continue for a month in the first initiative and would be extended for another 15 days if need arises.

District Sheep Husbandry Officer, Mohammad Rafiq Shah, who is designated as nodal officer said that 48k animals have been registered with the Sheep Husbandry Department Anantnag as on date for transporting to Jammu Division.