Expanding the Role of Dar-ul-Ulooms


By: Syed Majid Gilani

Dar-ul-Ulooms across Jammu and Kashmir have played a significant role in shaping the
religious and spiritual framework of society. These institutions have been instrumental in
producing countless Islamic scholars, Imams, Hafiz-e-Quran, and Moulvis, who have
dedicated their lives to serving the community. Today, most mosques in the region have
Imams who are alumni of one or the other Dar-ul-Uloom. While their contribution to
religious education is invaluable, it is time to broaden the horizons of these institutions
and align them with the demands of the modern world.

Imagine a future where an Imam is not only a Hafiz-e-Quran but also a technocrat,
doctor, or engineer. This vision of blending religious knowledge with modern education
would revolutionize the role of Dar-ul-Ulooms and significantly enhance their impact on
society. The need of the hour is to transform these institutions into centers of holistic
education, where students can gain spiritual depth and worldly wisdom simultaneously.

Currently, the curriculum offered by most Dar-ul-Ulooms is exclusively focused on
religious studies. While this remains essential, it limits students’ potential in a rapidly
evolving world where job-oriented education and technical skills are highly sought after.
By introducing modern subjects such as science, mathematics, technology, and
vocational training, these institutions can equip students with the tools needed to excel
in various professional fields.

The integration of modern education alongside religious studies would make Dar-ul-
Ulooms more productive and relevant in today’s context. Vocational courses, technical
training, and extracurricular activities would not only enhance the employability of
students but also make the education process more dynamic and appealing. This
approach would ensure that graduates of Dar-ul-Ulooms are prepared to take on
diverse roles in society, from serving as spiritual leaders to excelling in professions like
medicine, engineering, teaching, and administration.

A balanced mix of Islamic and modern education would also infuse graduates with a
unique blend of values and skills. Islamic teachings on compassion, hard work, honesty,
and loyalty can complement the practical knowledge gained through modern education.

Such individuals would be better equipped to address the challenges of the modern
world while staying rooted in their spiritual principles.

Reimagining Dar-ul-Ulooms as institutions of comprehensive education would not only
elevate their status but also empower their graduates to serve society in multifaceted
ways. Instead of being confined to the role of mosque Imams, they could lead prayers
while also contributing as doctors, engineers, technologists, journalists, and
administrators. This transformation would enhance the societal perception of Dar-ul-
Uloom graduates and make these institutions more attractive to the youth.

The vision for the future should be to see students from Dar-ul-Ulooms gaining
admission to professional colleges, securing prestigious positions, and excelling in both
religious and secular domains. By doing so, these institutions would create a new
generation of leaders who embody a perfect balance of spiritual wisdom and worldly

The time has come to modernize Dar-ul-Ulooms and expand their scope. By embracing
change and integrating modern education with religious studies, these institutions can
play a pivotal role in shaping a skilled, enlightened, and morally upright human
resource. Let us encourage the heads of these institutions and society at large to reflect
on this need and work towards realizing this vision. Together, we can ensure that Dar-ul-
Ulooms continue to be centers of excellence that prepare individuals to thrive in both
this world and the hereafter.

(Syed Majid Gilani is a writer and serves as a GST Inspector for the Government of Jammu & Kashmir. He can be reached at [email protected]).