Ensure Allotment & Execution of all works within 10 days: DDC Pulwama


PULWAMA: The District Development Commissioner (DDC) Pulwama, Dr. Basharat Qayoom today chaired a meeting, here to review the physical and financial status of the works taken up under District Capex Plan 2022-23 by Department of RDD and KPDCL.

It was informed in the meeting that so far 2471 works have been approved in respect of RDD and KPDCL in the district under district capex 2023-24 and all the approved works have been put to tenders.

The DDC however observed that out of approved works only 950 works have been allotted as on date and also the percentage of works started physically on ground is very disappointing.

While observing the performance with regard to execution of works on ground, DDC directed ACD, SE PDD & Ex. Engineer REW to speed up the process of allotment and set a time line of three days for taking up the allotted works on ground and 10 days for completion of the tendering process.

The DDC directed officers that any laxity on part of any officers will be dealt seriously henceforth.

ACD and SE KPDCL were directed to submit daily progress reports to DDC regarding the progress of tendering allotment and physical execution on ground. The Block Development Officers and Executive Engineer KPDCL were directed to have daily based review of each work in their respective jurisdictions for early completion of works so that the desired targets of benefiting the general public are achieved.

The ACD and SE KPDCL assured the chair that all the allotted works will be physically started on ground within one week positively.

He further directed the officers to work in coordination with line departments to achieve 100 percent results on ground in a set timeline keeping in view the limited working season.

The DDC asked all the officers to ensure timely submission of works bills to concerned Treasuries.

Among others, the meeting was attended by Chief Planning Officer, Assistant Commissioner Dev, SE PDD, Ex. Engineer REW, Ex. Engineer of PDD and all Block Development Officers of the district.

The School Education department organized a Stakeholder Workshop at D.C Office Kupwara.