CHANDIGARH: A team of the Enforcement Directorate (ED) from Delhi on Wednesday conducted raids at the residence of IAS officer Varun Roojam in Chandigarh in connection with the guava orchard scam case. He is the Excise and Taxation Commissioner of Punjab.
Simultaneous raids were also conducted at the residence of Ferozepur DC Rajesh Dhiman and ED’s accountant in Patiala.
The accountant, along with his wife, are accused in the same case.
The guava scam pertains to the embezzlement of over Rs 130 crore by certain individuals, who planted guava trees on a land to be acquired by GMADA, in order to get a higher compensation for the land.
The scam was being investigated by the state Vigilance Bureau. More than 20 people have already been arrested in the scam till now.