DYS&S Baramulla organizes “Prabhat Pheri” Initiative for Independence Day Celebration


BARAMULLA: The Department of Youth Services & Sports (DYS&S) organized a vibrant Cyclothon and Painting Competitions in Zones Kunzer and Zone Sopore as part of the “Prabhat Pheri” initiative, aimed at fostering a spirit of patriotism and celebrating the upcoming Independence Day.

The Cyclothon witnessed enthusiastic participation from young athletes and sports enthusiasts, who pedaled through the scenic routes, promoting fitness and a healthy lifestyle. 

Meanwhile, the Painting Competition witnessed talented artists expressing their creative visions of patriotism and freedom through their artwork.

The “Prabhat Pheri” initiative continues to unite the community in cherishing the spirit of independence, promoting youth engagement, and reinforcing the significance of sports and arts in our society.