DMFT accords approval for the Annual Plan at Shopian


Reading Rooms for Competitive Exams prioritised, funds sanctioned for procurement of CCTVs, Cutters & other equipment for checking illegal mining

SHOPIAN: The District Mineral Foundation Trust (DMFT) meeting under Pradhan Mantri Khanij Kshertra Kalyan Yojana (PMKKKY) was convened today at Shopian in order to accord approval for the utilization of funds for the Annual Plan of activities in the district.

The meeting was chaired by District Development Commissioner, (DDC) Shopian, Mohammad Shahid Saleem Dar.

During the meeting, the Committee approved the establishment of the Library at BHSS Shopian for the students preparing for different Competitive exams. The Library shall have two Reading Rooms equipped with all facilities of library resources.

The Committee also approved the installation of CCTVs and Cutters to be kept at the disposal of the Mining department for day and night vigil on Mining activities and taking strict action against illegal mining in the core areas of mining.

The Fund entails the prioritisation of various sectors including education, social welfare, health, drinking water, environmental preservation, irrigation, watershed development among others.

On the occasion, DDC instructed Ex. Engineer R&B for immediate estimation of Library work and said it shall be a vital resource towards the education and career development of the students.

He said that through these funds various other development and welfare activities shall be taken up in the mining affected areas of the district during this year.

Besides efforts shall be taken to minimise the adverse impacts of mining on the environment and health, said DC.