DLSA Srinagar orgainses Special Lok Adalat for Consumer cases


SRINAGAR: District Legal Services Authority (DLSA) Srinagar under the aegis of J&K Legal Services Authority organized a Special Lok Adalat of Consumer Cases today   in the District Court Complex Srinagar. 

The said Special Lok Adalat was organized under the Chairmanship of  Jawad Ahmad, Chairman,

District Legal Services Authority and Pr. District & Sessions Judge, Srinagar.

A Special bench for Consumer cases was constituted, comprising of Dr. Farah Deeba (officiating President District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission)  Srinagar and Adv Suhaila Ali (Panel Lawyer DLSA ) Srinagar.

 A total number of 09 Cases were taken up by this bench for their amicable settlement. Out of which 03 Cases were settled, with a settled amount of Rs 364144.