DLCC B’pora approves provisional results of 7th Economic Census


BANDIPORA: The Deputy Commissioner (DC) Bandipora, Dr Owais Ahmad today chaired the meeting of District Level Coordination Committee (DLCC) for approving the provisional results of 7th Economic Census.

The meeting was attended by Joint director Planning Imtiyaz Ahmad, General Manager DIC Bandipora, Assistant Commissioner Development , District Statistics and Evaluation Officer  Bandipora , District Panchayat Officer and other senior officers of the district.

The Committee discussed the provisional results of 7th Economic Census published by the Ministry of Statistics & Plan Implementation (MoSPI). The meeting discussed threadbare the provisional results in the meeting and all the Committee members expressed satisfaction over these provisional results.

Thereafter, the results were approved and the completion certificate issued accordingly. Meeting was informed that the economic census is the complete count of establishments located within the district.

Officials informed the 7th Economic census provides information on clustering of various economic activities/ occupations at different locatons.

It was given out that all households/ establishments engaged in non-agricultural economic activities including construction, except public administration, defense and compulsory social security were covered in the 7th Economic Census.

“CSE-Common Service Centers (e-Governance) formed under Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology was selected as the implementing agency for conducting field work for Economic Census. However S12 supervision of 8 percent of data collected by the Enumerators was done by District Statistics & Evaluation Offices through a mobile application related to 7th EC.”