Div Com reviews progress on Land Acquisition cases of BSF


JAMMU: Divisional Commissioner Jammu, Ramesh Kumar today chaired a meeting of Deputy Commissioners to assess the status of different land acquisition cases of BSF in Jammu Division.

During the meeting, progress on acquisition of land for 135 ft. wide strip border fencing, acquisition of land for BOPs, submission of proposal for notification of Small farm fields firing ranges, acquisition/ transfer of land for BSF 161Bn. key location Plan (KPL).

The Divisional Commissioner keenly examined each land acquisition case and sought updates from the Deputy Commissioners (DCs) present at the meeting. The DCs apprised him of the progress made in each case.

To expedite the process and ensure efficient management, the Divisional Commissioner issued instructions to the DCs. He asked them to personally monitor and follow up the pending cases, while emphasizing the need for swift resolutions. The DCs were directed to provide an updated list of cases along with their current status.

 The Divisional Commissioner instructed the BSF officers to appoint nodal officers to foster coordination between the district administrations and the BSF. “Nodal officers would serve as points of contact, facilitating prompt communication and expediting progress on each case” he added.

While reviewing disbursement of compensation to land owners, the Div Com instructed DCs to expedite the process and ensure 100 percent disbursement. He also asked DCs to issue awards pending in the districts.

The meeting was attended by Officers of BSF, CPWD while Deputy Commissioner Jammu, Samba, Kathua along with ACR and SDMs participated in the meeting through video conferencing.