District Treasury Anantnag organizes Awareness programme, Plantation drive at GDC Women


ANANTNAG: A cleanliness, plantation drive and Awareness programme regarding ‘Functioning of Treasuries in Jammu and Kashmir’ continued for the 9th day across district Anantnag by the Finance Department.

Till date many programmes have already been conducted under the guidance and supervision of District Treasury Officer Anantnag in which all the sub treasuries and district Treasury have conducted extensive cleanliness, plantation drives and organized Awareness programmes regarding functioning and role of Treasuries in development of society.

In order to raise awareness among the public, a mega awareness programme regarding ‘Functioning of Treasuries in Jammu and Kashmir’ was today organized by District Treasury Anantnag in collaboration with Government Degree College for Women Anantnag.

Director Accounts and Treasuries Kashmir was chief guest on the occasion while Principal Government Degree College for Women Anantnag was guest of honour.

Director Accounts and Treasuries Kashmir, Abdul Hamid Kumar gave a detailed deliberation of fiscal management and role of Treasuries in J&K. He also delivered a detailed lecture regarding Budget process to generation of resources.

He also highlighted the steps like introduction of CPIS, BEAMS, HRMS and Treasury net online processing of bills and payments.

Earlier, Principal of the College, Irfana Majid presented the welcome address.

A detailed deliberation regarding the Functioning of Treasuries and its relationship with DDOs and society and role of Treasuries in fiscal management of state was made by Mohammad Akram Thakkar, District Treasury Officer (DTO) through a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation.

After this a very impressive and detailed skit was performed by the students of GDC for Women Anantnag in which it was displayed how a treasury functions. The students played the role of a cashier, DDO, auditor, superintendent and treasury officer and all the process was practically displayed and a rousing applause was given by a huge number of audience.

Later, Award and certificate distribution ceremony was held. 

After this, as part of Meri Maati Mera Desh campaign, extensive plantation drive was conducted within the premises of college in which Director Accounts and Treasuries Kashmir, Principal GDC for Women Anantnag, District Treasury Officer Anantnag and professors and officials of Treasuries and college planted many plants. 

Another extensive plantation drive was conducted by DTO Anantnag in collaboration with the Floriculture Department at Wazir Bagh in which large numbers of plants were planted.