Director Horticulture reviews working of department in Ramban District


RAMBAN: To have a complete review of Horticulture activities as well as physical and financial achievements under different schemes, especially HADP and Revised Modified High Density Plantation, a review meeting was chaired by Director Horticulture, Jammu C. L Sharma today at Ramban. All the officers, officials and field staff of the department attended the meeting.

While taking a review of the ongoing schemes, the Director impressed upon the officers and officials to expedite the works undertaken for the development of the departmental nurseries and achieve the targets allotted under different schemes well in time so that full expenditure shall be incurred. He also said all the fruit plants produced in the departmental nurseries which are fit for distribution should be lifted.

The Director laid emphasis on effective implementation of HADP projects particularly different components of project-21 viz: establishment of plant propagation units, root stock banks, mother orchards, protected cultivation units, and rejuvenation of old & senile orchards.

He impressed upon staff to make maximum efforts to reach every farmer so that various interventions being taken up under HADP and Revised Modified High Density Plantation Scheme are implemented and the objective of the government is well achieved.

The Director also reviewed the developmental activities in the ACHD farm and issued instructions to Virinder Kumar, Farm Manager, ACHD regarding the production of quality grafted planting material and other developmental activities.

Earlier, at the outset, Chief Horticulture Officer, Ramban Anil Gorkha presented an overview of the District and apprised about the achievements made by the department under different ongoing Horticulture developmental schemes for the upliftment of the farming community.

He also listened to the grievances of the field staff patiently and assured them to be resolved in a time bound manner.

At last, all the staff of the district assured the chair to extend full cooperation and vowed to work hard for the betterment of the farming community and achieve the targets in time.