Director Horticulture reviews departmental functioning in Jammu division


JAMMU: Director Horticulture Jammu, C. L Sharma today convened a meeting of Field Level officers of all the districts of Jammu Division at Horticulture Complex, Talab Tillo, Jammu to review the progress of various developmental activities being carried out during the current financial year in Jammu Division.

During the course of the meeting, a threadbare discussion was held at various agenda points and the officers appraised the chair about the status of various works, expenditure incurred, liability, progress made in the implementation of various developmental schemes and progress regarding production of quality planting material in the Departmental Nurseries.

Training on implementation of Holistic Agriculture Development Programme (HADP) was imparted to the participants through Power Point Presentation by Nursery Registration Officer Jammu, Pardeep Gupta. During the training, detailed deliberations were held on implementing the flagship scheme in the field. Various issues being faced by the officers on operating HADP portal were also raised in the forum, which were addressed by the Nursery Registration Officer. 

The Director instructed the officers to ensure better implementation of Departmental schemes for the ultimate benefit of the fruit growers and also asked them to gear up for Revised Modified High Density plantation of different fruit crops during the ensuing rainy season.

Further, a folder depicting the schemes under Holistic Agriculture Development Programme (HADP) was also launched during the programme. This folder will serve as a ready reckoner for the officers to implement the schemes in the   field.

Among others, Deputy Director Horticulture (Central), Deputy Director Planning, Assistant Director and other officers were also present in the meeting.