Director Agriculture Kashmir visits Patalbagh Pulwama


SRINAGAR:  Director Agriculture Kashmir Chowdhary Mohammad Iqbal today visited organic village Patalbagh Pulwama where he interacted with Kisan Board Members to discuss the methodology for development of the village.

 While talking to media persons Director Agriculture marked the importance of different initiatives taken by the Department for the development of agriculture sector in the region. 

He  said that Department has taken up the initiative of promoting the organic way of vegetable cultivation very vigorously. 

Organic way of cultivation on one side serves the purpose of socio economic development of the farming community and on the other hand it is eco friendly and ecologically sustainable, he added. 

He said that organic cultivation also contributes to this aspect of sustainable agriculture as well.

 Chowdhary said that the Department is working on a blue print wherein the farmers would be trained in organic way of cultivating different crops. He said the organic vegetables produced here are becoming popular not only within the UT but also in other parts of the country as well.

Iqbal said Department has already adopted a multi dimensional vibrant marketing model by which the vegetables produced in the valley are not supplied to the other parts of the country but are exported to some other countries also.

He said we are working out the modalities to explore new markets for our producers (farmers) so that they could fetch more returns for their produce.