Director Agriculture Kashmir visits MLC Nunnar, Ganderbal


GANDERBAL: The Director Agriculture Kashmir, Chowdhary Mohammad Iqbal today visited Model Lavender Centre (MLC) Nunnar, here.

During the visit, the Director took round of various blocks of the farm and was briefed by the concerned Farm Manager, Technical Experts about different aromatic, medicinal plants cultivated in the farm. 

Various latest interventions adopted and introduced during the cultivation of aromatic and medicinal plants were also brought into the notice of the Director. 

         Speaking on the occasion, the Director marked the economic importance of ornamental and medicinal plants in the overall agriculture ecosystem. He said there is a vast potential in this sector and the Department has a floriculture development scheme for strengthening this sector in the valley.  

Iqbal said the cultivation of aromatic and medicinal plants on commercial lines and participation of educated youth in this allied wing could help in achieving the economic security to the concerned farming families. 

He said Kashmir being one of the best tourist destinations in the country has immense opportunities for the marketing of ornamental plants and floriculture products therefore the Department is endeavouring to attract more and more farmers towards the cultivation of ornamental and medicinal plants.     

Director was accompanied by Farm Manager Syed Mohammad Rizvi and other officers of the Department.