Director Agriculture Kashmir reviews projects under Soil Health Management scheme


SRINAGAR: The Director Agriculture Kashmir, Chowdhary Mohammad Iqbal today chaired a meeting to review the on-going projects under Soil Health Card/Soil Health Management Schemes and to chalk out the strategy for completion of the said projects during the current financial year.

The Director said that farmers should be made sensitive towards the improper soil management practices. He said that the health of the soil has a direct impact on our own health therefore all possible efforts should be put in place, so that this most important natural resource can be preserved for generations to come.

He impressed upon the Officers to conduct awareness programs regarding the Soil Health Management among the farming community. He called upon the concerned officers to regularly monitor the progress on “Soil Health Cards” scheme and ensure that the farmers are managing their cultural practices as per the recommendations of soil health cards.

He asked the officers to generate awareness about the soil health among the farmers at grass roots level for sustainability of agriculture production.

Chowdhary asked the concerned officers/technical experts to ensure that every farmers land gets soil tested and every farmer gets scientific recommendations based soil health card for his land so that he could ensure the judicious use of fertilizers and pesticides.

Joint Director Agriculture Extension Kashmir Sheikh Shaid Iqbal, Deputy Director Planning (P&S) Mohammad Younis Chowdhary, Agriculture Chemist Kashmir, Chief Agriculture Officers and other senior officers were also present during the meeting.