Director Agriculture inaugurates workshop for ‘implementation of Parvaz Scheme’


PULWAMA: The Director Agriculture Kashmir, Chowdhary Mohammad Iqbal today inaugurated a daylong workshop for “implementation of Parvaz Scheme” at Chief Agriculture Office Complex Pulwama. 

After inaugurating the event, addressing the participants of the workshop, the Director said that the Government has introduced the Parvaz scheme in Agriculture and allied sectors for the upliftment of grass roots level farmers. 

He said this scheme tends to easily transport the perishable produce to domestic as well as international markets. It aims at covering a wider market for the produce harvested locally in Jammu and Kashmir. 

The Director highlighted various aspects of the scheme and said that this scheme will boost employment opportunities for the locals for increasing the overall income and their living.

Iqbal said that this scheme tends to benefit the farmers by doubling their income thereby ensuring their economic and social welfare. Director said that the components of Parvaz Scheme will be immediately imposed to benefit and facilitate the vegetable growers of the valley.

The Director said keeping in view the eco-friendly and economically sustainable nature of organic farming we can preserve our land resources for generations to come, he  impressed upon the farmers to shift to an organic farming system. 

Iqbal said that organic farming on one hand involves producing crops without using pesticides, chemical fertilizers, and synthetic growth hormones and on other hand supports the use of natural fertilizers like animal manure, green manure, compost  etc

Participating agri-entrepreneurs, farmers and growers of Pulwama district thanked the UT Government for rolling out Parvaz Scheme which will in the long run benefit the farming community.

Joint Director Marketing M. Qasim Ghani, Chief Agriculture Officer Pulwama M. Iqbal, Officers of District Pulwama besides a large gathering of agri-entrepreneurs, farmers and growers of Pulwama district also participated in the program.