Director Agriculture inaugurates Spawn distribution among Mushroom Farmers at IMDC Srinagar


Department committed to promote SSCI in Kashmir: Iqbal

SRINAGAR: The Director Agriculture Kashmir, Chowdhury Mohammad Iqbal today inaugurated distribution of spawn among the mushroom farmers at Integrated Mushroom Development Centre (IMDC) Lalmandi, here.

Speaking to the mushroom farmers, the Director highlighted the importance of small-scale agri-based cottage industries (SSCIs) for the sustainability of the agriculture sector. He said the department is committed to promote SSCIs in kashmir.

He said the farmer who is operating an agri-based cottage industry like mushroom cultivation could easily supplement the income raised from selling crops.

Iqbal said that the agri based cottage industries like mushroom cultivation; apiculture etc has vast potential to generate employment opportunities for educated youth, rural people and unskilled people besides women farmers.

Director asked the educated youth of the valley to come forward and join hands with the department, so that they could become agri- entrepreneurs and contribute to the overall agriculture economy in touching new heights.

Beside other officers, Mushroom Specialist Madhan Gopal Singh was present on the occasion.